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La Mora Romagnola

Homemade coffee liquor.

 Homemade coffee liquor.

Lessa than 10 days to Christmas, we are near!

Days are filled up with meetings, greetings, school recitals, people hurry up every day more to buy something last minute whether is food or presents.

I have to bake rakes of cookies, both sweet and salty, me and mum have to put together lasagne so I have to make my Bolognese sauce ( we call it ragù alla bolognese) and I thought I should post that recipe too so, between a bake and a sauce, just because I’m home alone with Lorenzo for the whole week end, I’ll shoot and shoot and shoot.

Potato gnocchi with goat’s blue cheese and leek.

Potato gnocchi with goat's blue cheese and leek.

 If beer is often on the frontline on my blog because my passion is bringing me partnerships and willing to study and to get informed about anything about craft brewery, there is another “food area” not often considered on my pages: cheeses.

Fresh cheeses, aged cheeses; cow ones, goat ones; Italian, French, British…

I have no limits, I won’t say I like them all but I never say no to a tasting.

Both beer world and cheese world are so wide and ample I would have to study a whole life to learn just a minimum part; as you can’t rule passions I keep on tasting studying.

Porter beer & chocolate cookies.

Porter beer & chocolate cookies.

With this recipe I’m going to start my collaboration with Cantina della Birra, an online beer shop packed with great beers, from classic Pils to strong Porters.

As you may have learned following my blog I’m a beer lover; I’m always in when it comes to try new brews and I’m so lucky as I can do it through Cantina della Birra.

This recipe looks at Christmas, how many want to make homemade presents for friends and colleagues every year?

Chestnut cream’s crème brûlée.

Chestnut cream's crème brûlée.

I’m here with a new recipe, it’s a classic of mine but I didn’t take picture of it ’till today: I had to do it on a rush for a forest themed food contest from an Italian blog runned by a lovely girl called Betulla ( Birch in English).

Unluckly everything about the contest is in Italian so I just translate this recipe for you, a chestnut cream‘s crème brûlée which is a perfect close even for a festive lunch/ dinner.

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