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La Mora Romagnola

Eggplants’ patties.

Eggplants' patties.

Since I was a toddler, at home, the watchword has been “eating light”.

A father with austere tastes and accustomed to small portions, a mother with a steady eye to the scale and me, grownt with anunmanageable hatred for green beans because I’ve been forced to eat them for years.

Maybe from all this comes my love for food and cooking.

All this attention to ingredients and calories sometimes brings to something good like those patties.

Red lentils’ dhal.

Red lentils' dhal.

As you can imagine I love cooking very much but cooking also mean eating.

We’re not exactly a family of “I eat whatever I want and I stay fit” so I spend a lot of time searching and trying healthy and low calories foods.

I bake and I prepare the most lustful dishes only on week end we’re at home: it’s not easy, in order to be a productive blogger, offer light foods that are also tasty and with a photographic appeal but this dhal wins because it’s easy, delightful and because the photos turned out quite well and this usually makes me love a recipe even more!

Soda bread.


soda bread

I broke the ice of the first post with a recipe I love the most, now it’s time to fill this blog with more recipes and pieces.

It’s quite a long work because writting both in Italian and English, filling the recipe cars up twice, cooking and shooting it’s time consuming, but passion moves me and I fear no strain!

By chance this second post is also about bread! 🙂

Flatbread Romagna style.


Flatbread Romagna style.

I started my first blog in 2006, on a boring and raining spring sunday.

It was hosted on Splinder and, when it closed in 2011, I thought it was time to grow up, to change name into something that fitted me more, to have a personal domain.

The site La Mora Romagnola was born (along with the English site Italian Kitchen Secrets), a personal site and blog with a lot of recipes and bad, bad photos.

That adventure continued untill today, day of my first post here on WordPress as part of the big ifood family I joined thanks to Bloggalline (a great group of foodbloggers).

I’m so glad to be here, happy to give my own contribution to this great, ambitious, wonderful project.

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