
Chocolate rugelach.

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Chocolate rugelach.
For the dough
For the chocolate cream
To fill rugelach
To brush rugelach
For the dough
For the chocolate cream
To fill rugelach
To brush rugelach
  1. Mix by hand or with a mixer all the dough ingredients. Make a smooth loaf and wrap it in cling film, let it rest in fridge for at least 4 hours.
  2. For the chocolate cream: bring butter and milk cream to a boil, add the chocolate, remove from fire and mix until chocolate is weel melt. Preheat ovn at 360°F.
  3. On a slightly floured surface spread the dough with a rollpin. You should end with a disk of about 30 cm diameter. Brush the disk with chocolate cream then sprinkle with all the filling ingredients. Cut the disk in 12 cloves and roll them croissant- like. Put them on a baking tray.
  4. Mix yolk and water, brush the rugelach then sprinkle with caster sugar and cinnamon. Bake for about 20 minutes until rugelach become gold. Wait at least 10 minutes before tasting.
  5. Mettete i rugelach su una teglia e infornate per circa 20 minuti, fino a quando sono ben dorati. Lasciateli raffreddare una decina di minuti almeno prima di assaggiarli.

Red lentils’ dhal.

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Red lentils' dhal.
  1. Bake unpeeled garlic into owen or microwave untill tender, peel it and mash it with a fork into a pan.
  2. Add oil, finely diced onion, carrot, celery and tomato and cook for 10 minutes on slow fire. Add salt if broth is not salted.
  3. Pour lentils and cover with liquid. Cook with a lid on for about 1/2 hour, keep an eye on it and add a little water if needed. Turn off the fire and add spices, lemon juice and parsley as much as you like. Mix well and serve.
Recipe Notes

You can eat it with white basmati rice.

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