
Salty Lady’s Kisses ( salty almond sandwich cookies).

Salty Lady's Kisses ( salty almond sandwich cookies).

Back to the usual routine after Christmas: no, no, no.

I don’t want to come back to work, do you?

I don’t want to start dieting again, I don’t want to start biking again, I want to keep on waking up at 10 a.m., having fun at restaurants, receiving nice things for the new home. 😛

How did you spend your holidays?

Did you make and receive nice gift?

I mainly received beer, wine and linen for the new home plus lot of joy for being with all my beloved ones.

Onion and raisin compote.

Onion and raisin compote.

Hi everyone,

this is my “middle holidays” post, it has been writen earlier as at the moment I’m probably laying on a sofa claiming I’ve eaten too much.

But I had to give you this recipe as it’s perfect for a cheese platem with boiled meat or grilled white meat; don’t you have at least one of these on your New year’s Eve’s table?

You can give it as a present too if you still have to make some presents.

Any New Year’s resolutions out there?

Milk brûlé, typical dessert from Romagna.

Milk brûlé, typical dessert from Romagna.

You all know recipes like crème brûlée or creme caramel or panna cotta.

The pudding I’m introducing you today is a close relative of those dessert but it’s only made of yolks, sugar and fresh whole milk.

It’s a very old (can I say ancient?) recipe from Romagna region, it has a long tradition among farmer’s families but it makes a wonderful appearance on the most lushious tables, expecially for Christmas.

Baked pumpking with blue cheese, rosemary and hazelnut crumble.

Baked pumpking with blue cheese, rosemary and hazelnut crumble.

Back again with a recipe, so long but time runs, tasks are stockpiling, holidays are too near as I didn’t think of almost a single present.

No Christmas tree on, I forgot the advent calendar for my young boy…

I’m not feeling the Christmas spirit this year, not at all not because I’m somehow sad but because I have no time for it. 🙁

To write a single post I need at least a week, dropping a phrase or two at time, then there is something I cannot avoid to do.

Tuna and potado patties.

Tuna and potado patties.

I posted a patties recipe just a week ago but I’m here again with another kind because…

Because I love patties, meatballs and similar preparations: they are easy, you can feed a crowd with them, you can often prepare them in advance.

I made these tuna and potado patties for a nice collaboration with a big brand of supermarket called ” La grande I”, this is the supermarket I attend when I’m in Rimini, the one my parents in law always attend for the big grocery shopping.

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