
Pull apart chocolate crown.

Pull apart chocolate crown.

Time passes quickly, June is here, in less than two months we’ll be on holiday, in less than a month Lorenzo will leave kindergarten.

The past three years passed so fast, now he’s big boy, very indipendent in many ways, with his own passions, propensities, his strong and justified no-nos, his desire of growing up and his fear of growing up.

I need to set my mind in order to face primary school, he needs to do it too: I think it will not be an easy ride as he’s too playful, he craves too much runs and jumps and games.

 While this summer runs over us and I’m filling school forms I post you this recipe, it’s great for breakfast or coffee time, for kids and adults.

Print Recipe
Pull apart chocolate crown.
  1. Mix flour and butter, add sugar and salt. Add all the other ingredients and knead untill you have a soft loaf.
  2. Spread dough with a rollpin in a rectangle 0.3 inches thick. Brush this with melted butter, sprinkle sugar, chocolate chips and nuts/almonds then roll it and cut slices large about 0.7 inches.
  3. Put them in a greased baking pan forming a ring-shaped cake. Brush it with some milk, sprinkle with some more sugar, chocolate and nuts and bake at 356°F for about 30-40 minutes.

Pull apart chocolate crown.


Golden savory biscuits.

Golden savory biscuits.

I’m so happy about this post, I wish to put this recipe that comes from mum’s scraps on blog since I’ve closed the old one but every time I make them I can’t fix them in a photo.

They ended before the photo or I simply didn’t have time, the day was too dark to shoot or pictures were too awful to be posted.

This time here we are, this time I can post the recipe of these biscuits instead of sending it via email, on slips of papers, Facebook chats.

It’s three years in a row I’m bringing them to school Christmas and summer parties and they are a must among friends and relatives.

Print Recipe
Golden savory biscuits.
  1. Preheat oven at 356°F.
  2. Dissolve yeast into water (I use minipimer)
  3. Put flour, butter, salt in a bowl, mix and add water with yeast.
  4. Mix and add turmeric, chili and crushed almonds.
  5. Let the dough rest for 30 minutes.
  6. Shape the dough in long rolls and cut small biscuits.
  7. Place them on a baking tray and bake for 20-25 minutes then let them rest in oven for 5 more minutes.
Recipe Notes

You can store them in a tin box for 5-6 days.

Golden savory biscuits.

Review of Nona restaurant & more, Riccione.

I could name this review ” beautiful things that happen by chance”: I met the owner of this nice place last January at Sigep, I was there with some bloggers and we had a small chat about what and who foodbloggers are.

We exchanged our business cards then we kept on doing our works.

Some time later I received a mail from Nona’s social media agent and we decided to meet and speak about potential partnership.

Blogging is only a hobby for me, I have a family, a job and I’ve been very busy so I could set a meeting at Nona only the past week end.

Eritrean zighinì.

Eritrean zighinì.

In this post I should tell you about my long search for berberè: in Italy nowadays you can find almost every kind of spice and exotic food but berberè seems to be fleeing.

I searched big supermarkets and small shops then I searched the web.

Of course I found it easily then I discovered shipping costs: higher than the cost of the spice.

Greek style stuffed eggplants.

Greek style stuffed eggplants.

After few days with a winter like weather it seems sun is back to stay, outside my living room’s window trees are so green and I can only see leaves; poplars’ blowballs fly everywhere, even into the house and my chives are blooming.

This year I decided not to care too much about gardening, not to buy new plants, only to care about the ones I already have ( chives, sage, parsley, rhubarb) because I have an unforgivable black thumb.

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