I devoted the last two days to cooking something new for the blog, I need some good things to post in the next days as I will be very busy preparing 6 new recipes for a partnership I’ve accepted.
I’m always very happy when someone trusts me enough to offer me a work on a product: this time it’s something special as I can say I grew up with it and it’s part of my DNA.
I can’t say anything more that this but within few months you’ll learn what I’m working on.
I can only say hubby will have to taste something outside his dieting plan.
I cooked only easy and healthy things for the blog posts, food that is part of our weekly meals, nothing here is non tested or “fake”!
The first time I’ve tried those carrots I was at my mum’s; on the web you can find a lot of recipes about sparkling water carrots so I don’t know if there an “original recipe” that worth a mention, I added some spices and herbs to enhance the flavour.
The peculiarity of those carrots is a creamy texture, it could be highlighted adding a spoon of sugar few minutes before the end of cooking.
Servings |
- 18 oz carrots
- 2 tabsp olive oil or butter
- 1 full teasp ginger powder
- salt and pepper to taste
- thyme leaves fresh or dry
- 3 cups sparkling water
- Cut the carrots in not too thick rounds.
- Heat oil (or butter) in a pan and sautee carrots with ginger for few minutes.
- Add sparkling water, cover the pan and cook on low fire untill the water is fully evaporated.
- If, when water is totally dissolved, the carrots are still hard, just add some water and continue cooking.
- Few minutes before the end of cooking add salt, pepper and thyme leaves.

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