I’m so happy about this post, I wish to put this recipe that comes from mum’s scraps on blog since I’ve closed the old one but every time I make them I can’t fix them in a photo.
They ended before the photo or I simply didn’t have time, the day was too dark to shoot or pictures were too awful to be posted.
This time here we are, this time I can post the recipe of these biscuits instead of sending it via email, on slips of papers, Facebook chats.
It’s three years in a row I’m bringing them to school Christmas and summer parties and they are a must among friends and relatives.
Servings |
- 26,4 oz flour
- 8.8 oz soft butter
- 1 yeast bag
- 0.7 oz kosher salt
- 9.8 oz unpeeled almonds
- 8.8 oz lukewarm water
- 3 tabsp ground turmeric
- grounded chili to taste
- Preheat oven at 356°F.
- Dissolve yeast into water (I use minipimer)
- Put flour, butter, salt in a bowl, mix and add water with yeast.
- Mix and add turmeric, chili and crushed almonds.
- Let the dough rest for 30 minutes.
- Shape the dough in long rolls and cut small biscuits.
- Place them on a baking tray and bake for 20-25 minutes then let them rest in oven for 5 more minutes.
Recipe Notes
You can store them in a tin box for 5-6 days.

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