I’m introducing this brand new baking season with a very easy cake even if here the weather is still as hot as in July ( please autumn come here fast).
It’s all chocolate, it’s delicious and it’s great with some whipped cream on the side.
I took this recipe from a magazine, I had to make it twice to reach the right result as the recipe wasn’t perfect and now I can post it here; it’s very close to a famous cake from Ferrara called Tenerina ( “Softy” in English) but mine has no flour and it’s a great dessert for people with celiac disease.

Flourless gluten free chocolate cake.
2017-02-12 13:13:43

Serves 8
A quick and decadent gluten free chocolate cake.
- 5.3 oz dark chocolate
- 5.3 oz sugar
- 3.5 oz butter
- 2.3 oz dutch cocoa
- 3 eggs
- Melt chocolate and butter together, stir untill you have a shiny cream.
- Add sugar and cocoa, mix untill you have no lumps.
- Be sure batter is cold enough and add yolks, one at time, then whipped egg whites and mix untill well combined.
- Pour in a buttered pan about 10 inches diameter and bake for 20-25 minutes at 350 F°.
- Sprinkle with icing sugar when cold.
- The cake will be very low, it's ok, just don't overbake to keep it moist.
- If you have any leftover, store them in an airtight box.
La Mora Romagnola https://www.lamoraromagnola.it/

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