So I started cooking again, it seems.
It’s true and only now I feel how much I missed it.
How long since the last time I tried a recipe from one of my books?
Don’t even remember but here we are with a new entry from a book called ” Una merenda a New York” ( a snack in New York) by Marc Grossman.

I did these lemon squares and another recipe, rugelach: they both turned out great, quantities and instructions are perfect so thumb up for this lovely booklet you can see in a picture from my Instagram.
The thing I was not sure about and which turned out a great revelation is you don’t have to cook custard.
Just pour it over the base and bake.
Isn’t it great?
I also tried to freeze some pieces to see if I can make them in advance; just to give you the answer I’ll try one just now…
… Ok I admit I have eaten it half freezed and it was so good anyway I start thinking it could be the perfect treat for summer if served cold.
Let’s come to the recipe as I want to post all this before hubby comes back from training. 🙂
Servings |
- 150 gr all purpose flour
- 30 gr icing suguar
- 4 tabsp corn flour
- 1/2 teasp kosher salt
- 125 gr diced butter
- 180 ml freshly squeezed lemon juice
- 250 gr caster sugar
- 1 lemon zest only
- 5 tabsp all purpose flour
- 6 eggs
- Heat oven at 360°F, in a bowl mix 150 gr flour, icing sugar, corn flour, kosher salt and diced butter. You will end with a crumbled dough, spread it on a square tin ( about 11X11 inches) covered with baking sheet, press a little and put in the oven until golden, about 20 minutes.
- Beat in another bowl lemon juice, eggs, caster sugar, lemon zest and flour until you have no lumps. Pour this over the still hot crumble base, low oven temperature to 300°F and bake until custard is firm, about 40 minutes.
- Let it cold, sprinkle with more icing sugar and cut about 12 squares.

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