It’s saturday, yay!!
I am so happy and we have to consider this week, speaking of work, started on tuesday…
The return to work as been hard and I had a bonus with Lorenzo’s big cough which brought us on the sofa for four nights sleeping very little and coughing a lot.
I hope this cough is coming to a end BECAUSE I NEED A FULL SLEEP IN MY BED!
Now I am in Santarcangelo, I had a lovely friday night with hubby wandering around tasting artisan beers ( this is a small village but packed with great taps, we are lucky!) and this afternoon I will be downtown Rimini to shopping some items for my bullet journal and my pen pal kit.
At the moment I am at my parents in law’s home, still wearing my pj, Lorenzo’s playing with a friend and I have some extra time to manage my not- yet-published archive and posting this pecan pie I made the last summer when my parents in law and mmy sister in law came at our house for a family lunch.
I didn’t post it earlier because I wasn’t sure mine had the right texture and appearance but, speaking with a Texas pen friend, she told me it’s exactly how it has to be so I’m here working on my not_yet_published list and it’s time to post this lovely pecan pie!
I have served it with my fiordilatte ice- cream ( avoid the caram sauce as the cake is already very sweet) but you can also addo non- sweetened whipped cream.
Texas pecan pie.
For the pastry:
- 160 g all purpose flour
- 110 g cold butter diced in small cubes
- 1/2 tsp caster sugar
- 1/2 tsp kosher salt
- 1 tsp white wine vinegar
- 40 ml cold water
For the filling:
- 170 g pecan nuts
- 4 eggs
- 60 g melted butter
- 100 g caster sugar
- 300 g maple syrup
- 1/2 tsp kosher salt
- Mix all the pastry ingredients, create a smooth ball, flatten it a little and wrap in cling film.Store in fridge for about one hour.
- Spread the pastry with a rollpin, cover a short cake tin with oven parchment then with pastry.Back it in fridge for more 30 minutes.
- Heat oven at 390°F and toast pecans for 5-8 minutes on a baking tray.Be careful not to burn them!
- Low heat at 370°F, take the cake tin, cover the pastry with a sheet of oven parchmen, cover with dry beans, raw rice or whatever you use to heavy the pastry while baking.Put into the oven and cook 10 minutes, then remove parchment and beans and bake for 7 more minutes.
- Low heat at 300°F, remove the cake tin from the oven and add pecans in it.
- In a bowl beat eggs, salt, sugar, butter and maple syrup.Pour this mix over pecan and return to oven.
- Bake for about 45 minutes, let it cold completely before serving.

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